math o yrru
Pa Gyrrwr

Pa drĂȘn gyrru sydd gan Mitsubishi Delica?

Mae gan Mitsubishi Delica y mathau canlynol o yriant: Llawn (4WD), Cefn (FR). Gadewch i ni ddarganfod pa fath o yriant sydd orau ar gyfer car.

Dim ond tri math o yrru sydd. Gyriant olwyn flaen (FF) - pan fydd y torque o'r injan yn cael ei drosglwyddo i'r olwynion blaen yn unig. Gyriant pedair olwyn (4WD) - pan fydd y foment yn cael ei ddosbarthu i'r olwynion a'r echelau blaen a chefn. Yn ogystal ù gyriant Rear (FR), yn ei achos ef, mae holl bƔer y modur yn cael ei roi yn llwyr i'r ddwy olwyn gefn.

Mae gyriant olwyn flaen yn fwy “diogel”, mae ceir gyriant olwyn flaen yn haws i'w trin ac yn fwy rhagweladwy wrth symud, gall hyd yn oed dechreuwr eu trin. Felly, mae gan y mwyafrif o geir modern fath gyriant olwyn flaen. Yn ogystal, mae'n rhad ac mae angen llai o waith cynnal a chadw arno.

Gellir galw gyriant pedair olwyn yn urddas unrhyw gar. Mae 4WD yn cynyddu gallu traws gwlad y car ac yn caniatĂĄu i'w berchennog deimlo'n hyderus yn y gaeaf ar eira a rhew, ac yn yr haf ar dywod a mwd. Fodd bynnag, bydd yn rhaid i chi dalu am y pleser, o ran defnydd cynyddol o danwydd ac ym mhris y car ei hun - mae ceir gyda math gyriant 4WD yn ddrytach nag opsiynau eraill.

O ran gyriant olwyn gefn, yn y diwydiant modurol modern, mae naill ai ceir chwaraeon neu SUVs cyllidebol yn meddu arno.

Ail-lunio Drive Mitsubishi Delica 1997, minivan, 4edd cenhedlaeth

Pa drĂȘn gyrru sydd gan Mitsubishi Delica? 07.1997 - 01.2007

BwndeluMath o yrru
2.8 XR tyrbo disel to aero sylfaenol nythLlawn (4WD)
2.8 XR tyrbo diesel to uchel sylfaenol nythLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT XG to aeroLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT XG to uchelLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT XE to aeroLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT XR to aeroLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT to aero JasperLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT XR to uchelLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT Jasper to uchelLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT Chamonix to uchelLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT Chamonix to uchel 8-SeddLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT Chamonix to uchel 7-SeddLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT Chamonix aero toLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT Chamonix aero to 8-SeaterLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT Chamonix aero to 7-SeaterLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT Aero to aeroLlawn (4WD)
To haul dau wely 2.8DT XRLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT XR to uchel o hydLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT Rhagori ar y to uchelLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT Rhagori ar do dau haulLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT rhagori to uchel hirLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT Uwchlaw to grisial liteLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT Super rhagori ar y to lite grisialLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT super rhagori ar grisial lite to hirLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT brenhinol rhagori ar grisial lite to hirLlawn (4WD)
2.8 20fed pen-blwydd cyfyngedig to uchel diesel turbo 8-SeddLlawn (4WD)
2.8 20fed pen-blwydd cyfyngedig to uchel diesel turbo 7-SeddLlawn (4WD)
2.8 super rhagori ar grisial lite to diesel turboLlawn (4WD)
2.8 super rhagori ar grisial hir lite tyrbo disel toLlawn (4WD)
2.8 XR Venus twin to haul diesel turbo 4WDLlawn (4WD)
2.8 XG nyth to aero diesel turboLlawn (4WD)
2.8 XR nyth to aero diesel turboLlawn (4WD)
2.8 XR nyth tyrbo disel to haul dwblLlawn (4WD)
2.8 yn rhagori ar y nyth twin sunroof diesel turboLlawn (4WD)
2.8 XG tyrbo diesel to uchel nythLlawn (4WD)
2.8 XR tyrbo diesel to uchel nythLlawn (4WD)
2.8 yn rhagori ar dyrbo diesel to uchel y nythLlawn (4WD)
2.8 rhagori ar nyth grisial lite to diesel turboLlawn (4WD)
2.8 super rhagori ar nyth tyrbo diesel to grisial liteLlawn (4WD)
2.8 XG nyth turbo diesel to aero sylfaenolLlawn (4WD)
2.8 XR nyth twin turbo diesel sylfaenol to haulLlawn (4WD)
2.8 rhagori ar y nyth sylfaenol twin sunroof diesel turboLlawn (4WD)
2.8 XG tyrbo diesel to uchel sylfaenol nythLlawn (4WD)
2.8 rhagori ar dyrbo diesel to uchel sylfaenol nythLlawn (4WD)
2.8 rhagori ar nyth sylfaenol grisial lite to diesel turboLlawn (4WD)
2.8 super rhagori ar nyth tyrbo disel grisial sylfaenol to golauLlawn (4WD)
3.0 XG to aeroLlawn (4WD)
3.0 XE to aeroLlawn (4WD)
3.0 Chamonix to aeroLlawn (4WD)
3.0 Chamonix aero to 8-SeaterLlawn (4WD)
3.0 Chamonix aero to 7-SeaterLlawn (4WD)
3.0 Chamonix to uchelLlawn (4WD)
3.0 Chamonix to uchel 8-SeddLlawn (4WD)
3.0 Chamonix to uchel 7-SeddLlawn (4WD)
3.0 XR to aeroLlawn (4WD)
3.0 Aero to aeroLlawn (4WD)
3.0 XR to uchelLlawn (4WD)
3.0 to aero JasperLlawn (4WD)
3.0 XR to haul dau welyLlawn (4WD)
3.0 to uchel JasperLlawn (4WD)
3.0 Rhagori ar do dau haulLlawn (4WD)
3.0 super rhagori ar grisial lite to hirLlawn (4WD)
3.0 yn uwch na'r to uchel o hydLlawn (4WD)
3.0 Rhagori ar y to lite grisialLlawn (4WD)
3.0 Super rhagori ar y to grisial liteLlawn (4WD)
3.0 rhifyn maes gweithredol SE to grisial liteLlawn (4WD)
3.0 rhifyn maes gweithredol to uchelLlawn (4WD)
3.0 HDD NAVI argraffiad to aero 8-SeaterLlawn (4WD)
3.0 HDD NAVI argraffiad to aero 7-SeaterLlawn (4WD)
3.0 HDD NAVI argraffiad to uchel 8-SeddLlawn (4WD)
3.0 HDD NAVI argraffiad to uchel 7-SeddLlawn (4WD)
3.0 20fed pen-blwydd to uchel cyfyngedig 8-SeddLlawn (4WD)
3.0 20fed pen-blwydd to uchel cyfyngedig 7-SeddLlawn (4WD)
3.0 XR to haul dau wely VenusLlawn (4WD)
3.0 XG to aero nythLlawn (4WD)
3.0 XR to aero nythLlawn (4WD)
Toe haul dau wely nyth 3.0 XRLlawn (4WD)
3.0 XR nyth to uchelLlawn (4WD)
3.0 rhagori ar y to lite grisial nythLlawn (4WD)
3.0 super rhagori ar y to nyth grisial liteLlawn (4WD)
3.0 yn fwy na'r to haul dau wely nythLlawn (4WD)
3.0 XG nyth to aero sylfaenolLlawn (4WD)
3.0 XR nyth to aero sylfaenolLlawn (4WD)
3.0 to haul deuol sylfaenol nyth XRLlawn (4WD)
3.0 XR nyth to uchel sylfaenolLlawn (4WD)
3.0 yn fwy na tho haul deuol sylfaenol y nythLlawn (4WD)
3.0 rhagori ar y to lite grisial sylfaenol nythLlawn (4WD)
3.0 super rhagori ar y to lite grisial sylfaenol nythLlawn (4WD)
2.4 XG to aeroCefn (FR)
2.4 G to uchel o hydCefn (FR)
2.4 XE to aeroCefn (FR)
2.4 XR to aeroCefn (FR)
2.4 XR to uchelCefn (FR)
2.4 XR to haul dau welyCefn (FR)
2.4 Aero to aeroCefn (FR)
2.4 yn fwy na 8 to uchel o hydCefn (FR)
2.4 Rhagori ar y to lite grisialCefn (FR)
2.4 aero to aero VenusCefn (FR)
2.4 XG to aero VenusCefn (FR)
2.4 XR to aero VenusCefn (FR)
2.4 XR to haul dau wely VenusCefn (FR)
2.4 XR Venus to uchelCefn (FR)
2.4 rhagori ar Venus grisial lite toCefn (FR)
2.4 XG to aero nythCefn (FR)
2.4 XR to aero nythCefn (FR)
Toe haul dau wely nyth 2.4 XRCefn (FR)
2.4 XR nyth to uchelCefn (FR)
2.4 rhagori ar y to lite grisial nythCefn (FR)
2.4 XG nyth to aero sylfaenolCefn (FR)
2.4 XR nyth to aero sylfaenolCefn (FR)
2.4 to haul deuol sylfaenol nyth XRCefn (FR)
2.4 XR nyth to uchel sylfaenolCefn (FR)
2.4 rhagori ar y to lite grisial sylfaenol nythCefn (FR)
2.5DT G to uchel o hydCefn (FR)
2.5DT XG to aeroCefn (FR)
2.5DT XR to aeroCefn (FR)
2.5DT XR to uchelCefn (FR)
To haul dau wely 2.5DT XRCefn (FR)
2.5DT XR to uchel o hydCefn (FR)
2.5DT Uwchlaw to grisial liteCefn (FR)
2.5DT rhagori ar grisial lite to hirCefn (FR)
2.5 XG Venus aero diesel to turboCefn (FR)
2.5 XR Venus aero diesel to turboCefn (FR)
2.5 XR Venus tyrbo disel to haul dwblCefn (FR)
2.5 XR Venus tyrbo diesel to uchelCefn (FR)
2.5 rhagori ar Venus grisial lite to diesel turboCefn (FR)
2.5 turbo diesel bws plantCefn (FR)
2.5 XG nyth to aero diesel turboCefn (FR)
2.5 XR nyth tyrbo disel to haul dwblCefn (FR)
2.5 XR nyth to aero diesel turboCefn (FR)
2.5 XR tyrbo diesel to uchel nythCefn (FR)
2.5 rhagori ar nyth grisial lite to diesel turboCefn (FR)
2.5 XG nyth turbo diesel to aero sylfaenolCefn (FR)
2.5 XR tyrbo disel to aero sylfaenol nythCefn (FR)
2.5 XR nyth twin turbo diesel sylfaenol to haulCefn (FR)
2.5 XR tyrbo diesel to uchel sylfaenol nythCefn (FR)
2.5 rhagori ar nyth sylfaenol grisial lite to diesel turboCefn (FR)

Drive Mitsubishi Delica 1994, minivan, 4edd cenhedlaeth

Pa drĂȘn gyrru sydd gan Mitsubishi Delica? 05.1994 - 06.1997

BwndeluMath o yrru
2.4 XG to aeroLlawn (4WD)
2.4 XR to aeroLlawn (4WD)
2.4 XR to uchelLlawn (4WD)
2.4 Rhagori ar y to aeroLlawn (4WD)
2.4 XR to haul dau welyLlawn (4WD)
2.4 Yn uwch na II to uchelLlawn (4WD)
2.4 Rhagori ar y to dau haulLlawn (4WD)
2.4 yn rhagori ar y to uchelLlawn (4WD)
2.4 Rhagori ar y to II grisial liteLlawn (4WD)
2.4 XG to aero VenusLlawn (4WD)
2.4 XR to aero VenusLlawn (4WD)
2.4 XR to haul dau wely VenusLlawn (4WD)
2.4 XR Venus to uchelLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT X to aeroLlawn (4WD)
2.8 XR Venus aero diesel to turboLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT XG to aeroLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT XG to uchelLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT XR to aeroLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT to aero JasperLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT XR to uchelLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT Jasper to uchelLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT Chamonix to uchelLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT Yn uwch na'r to aeroLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT Chamonix aero toLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT rhagori ar y to uchelLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT Yn uwch na II to uchelLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT Yn uwch na'r to haul deuolLlawn (4WD)
To haul dau wely 2.8DT XRLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT XR to uchel o hydLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT rhagori ar II to uchel o hydLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT Rhagori ar y to uchelLlawn (4WD)
Mae Jasper 2.8DT yn fwy na ILlawn (4WD)
2.8DT Yn uwch na tho lite grisial IILlawn (4WD)
2.8DT Jasper rhagori ar IILlawn (4WD)
2.8DT Rhagori ar do dau haulLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT rhagori to uchel hirLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT Uwchlaw to grisial liteLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT Super rhagori ar y to lite grisialLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT super rhagori ar grisial lite to hirLlawn (4WD)
2.8DT brenhinol rhagori ar grisial lite to hirLlawn (4WD)
2.8 tyrbo diesel to uchel XR nythLlawn (4WD)
2.8 nyth rhagori ar dyrbo disel to uchelLlawn (4WD)
2.8 XG Venus aero diesel to turboLlawn (4WD)
2.8 XG Venus tyrbo diesel to uchelLlawn (4WD)
2.8 XR Venus tyrbo disel to haul dwblLlawn (4WD)
2.8 XR Venus tyrbo diesel to uchelLlawn (4WD)
2.8 rhagori ar Venus grisial lite to diesel turboLlawn (4WD)
2.8 yn rhagori ar Venus twin sunroof diesel turboLlawn (4WD)
2.8 yn rhagori ar Venus turbo diesel to uchelLlawn (4WD)
2.8 super rhagori ar Venus grisial lite turbo diesel toLlawn (4WD)
3.0 rhagori ar II to uchel o hydLlawn (4WD)
3.0 Rhagori ar do dau haulLlawn (4WD)
3.0 super rhagori ar grisial lite to hirLlawn (4WD)
3.0 yn uwch na'r to uchel o hydLlawn (4WD)
3.0 Rhagori ar y to lite grisialLlawn (4WD)
3.0 Super rhagori ar y to grisial liteLlawn (4WD)
3.0 rhagori ar Venus grisial lite toLlawn (4WD)
3.0 yn fwy na tho haul twin VenusLlawn (4WD)
3.0 super rhagori ar Venus grisial lite toLlawn (4WD)
2.4 XG to aeroCefn (FR)
2.4 XR to aeroCefn (FR)
2.4 XR to uchelCefn (FR)
2.4 Rhagori ar y to aeroCefn (FR)
2.4 XR to haul dau welyCefn (FR)
2.4 Yn uwch na II to uchelCefn (FR)
2.4 Rhagori ar y to dau haulCefn (FR)
2.4 yn rhagori ar y to uchelCefn (FR)
2.4 Rhagori ar y to lite grisialCefn (FR)
2.4 Super rhagori ar y to grisial liteCefn (FR)
2.4 XG to aero VenusCefn (FR)
2.4 XR to aero VenusCefn (FR)
2.4 XR to haul dau wely VenusCefn (FR)
2.4 XR Venus to uchelCefn (FR)
2.4 rhagori ar Venus grisial lite toCefn (FR)
2.4 yn mynd y tu hwnt i do haul gefeilliaid VenusCefn (FR)
2.4 rhagori ar II Venus to uchelCefn (FR)
2.5DT G to uchel o hydCefn (FR)
2.5DT X to aeroCefn (FR)
2.5 rhagori ar II Venus turbo diesel to uchelCefn (FR)
2.5 Tyrbo disel to haul dwbl VenusCefn (FR)
2.5DT XG to aeroCefn (FR)
2.5DT rhagori ar y to uchelCefn (FR)
2.5DT Yn uwch na'r to aeroCefn (FR)
2.5DT XR to aeroCefn (FR)
2.5DT XR to uchelCefn (FR)
2.5DT Yn uwch na II to uchelCefn (FR)
2.5DT Yn uwch na'r to haul deuolCefn (FR)
To haul dau wely 2.5DT XRCefn (FR)
2.5DT XR to uchel o hydCefn (FR)
2.5DT rhagori ar II to uchel o hydCefn (FR)
2.5DT Uwchlaw to grisial liteCefn (FR)
2.5DT Super rhagori ar y to lite grisialCefn (FR)
2.5DT rhagori ar grisial lite to hirCefn (FR)
2.5DT super rhagori ar grisial lite to hirCefn (FR)
2.5DT brenhinol rhagori ar grisial lite to hirCefn (FR)
2.5 XG Venus aero diesel to turboCefn (FR)
2.5 XR Venus aero diesel to turboCefn (FR)
2.5 XR Venus tyrbo disel to haul dwblCefn (FR)
2.5 XR Venus tyrbo diesel to uchelCefn (FR)
2.5 rhagori ar Venus grisial lite to diesel turboCefn (FR)
2.5 rhagori ar I Venus aero diesel to turboCefn (FR)
2.5 rhagori ar I Venus twin sunroof diesel turboCefn (FR)
3.0 rhagori ar II to uchel o hydCefn (FR)
3.0 rhagori ar grisial lite to hirCefn (FR)
3.0 super rhagori ar grisial lite to hirCefn (FR)

Drive Mitsubishi Delica 2il ail-steilio 1997, minivan, 3ydd cenhedlaeth

Pa drĂȘn gyrru sydd gan Mitsubishi Delica? 10.1997 - 09.1999

BwndeluMath o yrru
2.5DT GLX to uchelLlawn (4WD)
to aero 2.5DT GLXLlawn (4WD)

Ail-lunio Drive Mitsubishi Delica 1990, minivan, 3edd cenhedlaeth

Pa drĂȘn gyrru sydd gan Mitsubishi Delica? 08.1990 - 09.1997

BwndeluMath o yrru
2.4 to aero GLXLlawn (4WD)
2.4 Rhagori ar y to haulLlawn (4WD)
2.4 Rhagori ar y to lite grisialLlawn (4WD)
2.5DT XLLlawn (4WD)
2.5DT XLlawn (4WD)
2.5DT XL to aeroLlawn (4WD)
2.5DT GLX to uchelLlawn (4WD)
to haul 2.5DT GLXLlawn (4WD)
to aero 2.5DT GLXLlawn (4WD)
2.5DT Y tu hwnt i'r to haulLlawn (4WD)
2.5DT Uwchlaw to grisial liteLlawn (4WD)
2.5DT Rhagori ar y to aeroLlawn (4WD)
2.5DT Rhagori ar y to uchelLlawn (4WD)
2.5DT Chamonix aero toLlawn (4WD)
2.5DT Chamonix to uchelLlawn (4WD)
2.5DT Jasper to uchelLlawn (4WD)
2.5DT to aero JasperLlawn (4WD)
2.5DT Super rhagoriLlawn (4WD)
2.5DT Super rhagori ar y to lite grisialLlawn (4WD)
2.0 DXCefn (FR)
2.0 DX to uchelCefn (FR)
2.0 XL salƔnCefn (FR)
2.0 to haul GLXCefn (FR)
2.0 to lite grisial GLXCefn (FR)
2.0 XL to uchel salƔnCefn (FR)
Cysylltiadau 2.0Cefn (FR)
2.4 Rhagori ar y to haulCefn (FR)
2.4 Rhagori ar y to lite grisialCefn (FR)
2.5DT DXCefn (FR)
2.5DT DX to uchelCefn (FR)
2.5DT DX to uchel hirCefn (FR)
2.5DT GLCefn (FR)
2.5DT GL to uchel hirCefn (FR)
2.5DT XL salƔnCefn (FR)
to haul 2.5DT GLXCefn (FR)
Cysylltiadau 2.5DTCefn (FR)
2.5DT GLX to grisial liteCefn (FR)
2.5DT salƔn XL to uchelCefn (FR)
2.5DT XCefn (FR)
2.5DT Yn rhagoriCefn (FR)
2.5DT Y tu hwnt i'r to haulCefn (FR)
2.5DT Uwchlaw to grisial liteCefn (FR)
2.5DT Super rhagoriCefn (FR)

Drive Mitsubishi Delica 1986, minivan, 3edd cenhedlaeth

Pa drĂȘn gyrru sydd gan Mitsubishi Delica? 06.1986 - 07.1990

BwndeluMath o yrru
2.4 to aero GLXLlawn (4WD)
2.4 Rhagori ar y to haulLlawn (4WD)
2.4 Rhagori ar y to lite grisialLlawn (4WD)
2.5DT XLLlawn (4WD)
2.5DT GLXLlawn (4WD)
2.5DT Yn rhagoriLlawn (4WD)
2.5DT GLX to uchelLlawn (4WD)
to haul 2.5DT GLXLlawn (4WD)
to aero 2.5DT GLXLlawn (4WD)
2.5DT Y tu hwnt i'r to haulLlawn (4WD)
2.5DT Uwchlaw to grisial liteLlawn (4WD)
2.5DT Rhagori ar y to aeroLlawn (4WD)
2.5DT Rhagori ar y to uchelLlawn (4WD)
2.5DT Chamonix aero toLlawn (4WD)
2.5DT Chamonix to uchelLlawn (4WD)
2.0 DXCefn (FR)
2.0 XLCefn (FR)
2.0 GLXCefn (FR)
2.0 GLX to uchelCefn (FR)
2.0 to lite grisial GLXCefn (FR)
2.4 Yn rhagoriCefn (FR)
2.5D DXCefn (FR)
2.5D GLCefn (FR)
2.5DT DXCefn (FR)
2.5DT XLCefn (FR)
2.5DT GLXCefn (FR)
2.5DT GLX to uchelCefn (FR)
Cysylltiadau 2.5DTCefn (FR)
2.5DT GLX to grisial liteCefn (FR)
2.5DT Yn rhagoriCefn (FR)

Ychwanegu sylw